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Police Clearance Certificate (criminal record check) - CPIC via National Canadian Police Information Center database

Employment, volunteer, rental, self-interest, etc.

Please note Police Clearance Certificate also called as criminal background check, criminal record checks, name check, background check, police certificate, CPIC checks. 

Fingerprinting Services (digital, ink & roll)

Adoption, citizenship, permanent residence & immigration, employment, government services, licensing, record suspension (pardon), visa, volunteer screening.

We are accredited agency to perform digital or ink & roll fingerprinting. The turnaround time for digital fingerprinting is greatly reduced for persons having clean record. Ink & roll fingerprinting is required for some foreign countries' requirement.

Card Scan (for oversea & long distance clients converting ink fingerprints to digital fingerprints)

Numerous clients have great experiences getting the police clearance without coming to Toronto from long distance. Clients can go to their local police in different parts of the world and mail the fingerprints to this office for processing. Waiting time is greatly reduced to one week for no conviction in Canada (time are various with different clients' backgrounds). Please call us 416-925-5556 or e-mail to for obtaining necessary forms. The process is done painlessly and professionally.

Other services:

U.S. Waiver with full services available. It is a long tedious process to complete. It is best to leave the works to the professional while you carry on your daily routine.

Record Suspension (former Pardon) with full Pardon service available. We do record suspension application daily and inform you the progressing in due course. If you plan to revive yourself, record suspension is a positive way.

ID required:

Be sure to bring with you. . .

Acceptable Identification (2 pieces minimum of current government issued ID and one must be a photo ID)

Forms of ID you can bring are. . .

Driver licence, passport, citizenship card. permanent resident card, birth certificate, hospital card, student visa, working permit, visiting visa, and refugee claim 

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